Cameron Winklevoss Of Gemini Introduces A Free Education Resource – Cryptopedia


The president of Gemini, Cameron Winklevoss on Thursday launched Cryptopedia, a free educational resource for investors.

Investors looking for high-quality education on cryptocurrencies and investment ideas can use this free resource. It also offers in-depth information on security, investing, and trading, and DeFi.

Share knowledge on digital assets

The subject matter experts can use Cryptopedia to share their knowledge on digital assets. Expert Network of the platform comprises thought leaders and founders of the biggest projects that comprise Stani Kulechov, CEO of Aave; Kathleen Breitman, co-founder of Tezos, and Brendan Eich, CEO of Brave.

Despite the maturing of crypto markets over the years, the requirement for educating the investors and people who plan to enter the industry remains high. The recently available data suggests the adoption of cryptocurrency is still at the infancy level.

Education for promoting investments in Bitcoin

Just 101 people hold Bitcoin (BTC) and other digital currencies in their investment portfolio as per data available with CCAF (Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance). Educating more people is required to promote investments in digital assets including Bitcoin.

On the backdrop of introducing Cryptopedia, Cameron said lack of educational suite is an impediment for convincing the investors and promoting the addition of crypto assets in the investment portfolio.

He said Cryptopedia will fill that gap to improve investments in digital assets. The leading cryptocurrency in the US, Gemini unveiled free-educational resources to educate the general public and improve their understanding of digital assets.

Driving the adoption

Cryptocurrency exchanges across the world play a vital role in improving the adoption of digital assets. The launch of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other digital currencies changed the way how people transact worldwide.

Cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks can bypass the traditional financial systems and promotes direct transaction without the need for a central institution. However, a myriad of crypto exchanges worldwide confused the investors in choosing the right exchange for their investment or transaction needs.

How to overcome hurdles?

Plenty of resources and time are necessary to develop a perfectly working cryptocurrency exchange. Also, their working and transaction of digital assets are complicated across the borders because each nation established its laws and regulations for cryptocurrencies. With many nations like Switzerland adopting cryptocurrencies for tax payments, the stage is set to change for a positive impact going forward.


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