The University of Sao Paulo To Carry Academic Research Within the Metaverse 


The University of Sao Paulo is exploring crucial research questions on human behavior, psychology, and augmented reality in the Metaverse. 

The University of Sao Paulo to conduct research on Metaverse

According to the university, the metaverse-focused research will be conducted by research teams focusing on human behavior and psychology, 3D modeling, and the efficacy of augmented and virtual reality devices. In addition, the university reported that the domains would be assessed in the context of metaverse to understand how virtual reality impacts users’ interactions. 

It’s the first instance USP has gotten a nonfungible token (NFT) through cooperation, according to USP professor Marcos A. Simplicio Jr. This token in consideration is a unique piece of land in the metaverse of the United States of Mars (USM) that is being created in partnership with other colleges.

Simply said, “USP is the first university in Latin America to have a partnership with USM to support the construction of its metaverse.”

The cooperation will begin with a partnership with scientists based on the earlier Ripple-sponsored arrangement referred to as the University Blockchain Research Initiative (UBRI).

Metaverse prospects discussed at World Economic Forum.

Prospects regarding the metaverse were examined during the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, which ended on Thursday, according to Cointelegraph. The panel called “The Possibilities of the Metaverse” particularly looked at how metaverse technology may be employed to improve children’s education.   Philip Rosedale, High Fidelity co-founder, Pascal Kaufmann, Mindfire Foundation founder, CEO of Magic Leap Peggy Johnson, Hoda AlKhzaimi, associate professor at New York University Abu Dhabi, and Edward Lewin, VP of Lego Group, were among those who spoke on the panel.

During the forum, Sheila Warren, the CEO of Crypto Council for Innovation, discussed a range of issues with Cointelegraph, including decentralized autonomous organizations, the state of crypto, and safety within the metaverse.

Lewin stated, “One in three people using the internet are young adults and children, so I would really focus on building from kids’ perspective, given they are the future users.”

USP and USM, which just branded from Radio Caca, have established a collaboration to advance research in the Metaverse’s technological, economic, and regulatory elements.


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