FLUID Speaks about the Plan to Partner with Polygon to Enhance Fragmented Liquidity


FLUID provided details about its collaboration with Polygon. It hopes that the new partnership will facilitate its adoption of Polygon as its fundamental DeFi chain. Polygon is known for its focus on Ethereum scaling. It has also been focusing on infrastructure development, and both of those qualities make it an ideal partner for FLUID. An expert working with FLUID notes Polygon’s minimal transaction costs and speaks about how that would augur well with FLUID’s decentralized solution. He also speaks about its great speed.

Ahmed’s perspective

The CEO of FLUID known as Ahmed Ismail, has shared his thoughts on the recent development and touched a little on their philosophy. He spoke about how they intend to deliver low latency and costs. He observes Polygon as a worthy partner who will enable them to reach their set goals. Ahmed hopes they will move together on the development journey as they target the delivery of ultra-efficient solutions.

FLUID CTO Jason Jiang hopes the incorporation of Polygon will play a significant role in facilitating the improvement of fragmented liquidity. He also hopes the $FLD token-holders will succeed at gaining the premium experience they need. Most of them want to access it at ultra-low transaction fees and ultra-low latency. Jason speaks elaborately about how they incorporated the creative scaling solutions of their partner and asserts that they had to undertake comprehensive research to arrive at their final decision.

Major efforts

The leader also says something about how FLUID has been focusing on building the liquidity aggregator that will help propel it forward. It hopes to succeed in the creation of working and efficient blockchain technologies. Polygon’s stability features and spending are significant contributors that enable FLUID to work flawlessly in resolving most of its fragmented liquidity operations.

FLUID also hopes that the partnership with Polygon will contribute to the establishment of a blockchain that will be EVM compatible. It also hopes that the blockchain will be pretty easy to code. FLUID intends to take advantage of its partner’s full-stack scaling solution in coming up with a native app. It reveals plans to unveil the app within the first half of 2023.


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