American Express  (NYSE: AXP) Discloses Information About Its Planned Entry In The Metaverse Following Several Trademark Filings


Several leading banks intend to enter the metaverse and some other virtual worlds, but they are only a handful because of the hesitation among most of them. However, American Express  (NYSE: AXP) has spoken severally about its desire to explore the Web3 applications, and it seems to have made significant steps forward. The world’s second-largest payments processor vows it will serve customers with “virtual concierge services,” in which case it brings about the possibility of using credit cards.

Metaverse seems to be the future

Through a tweet, the licensed trademark attorney who works with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Mike Kondoudis, brought to the limelight the various changes sweeping across the metaverse and other virtual worlds. He indicated that American Express and others had filed their NFT and metaverse trade applications.

American Express wants to channel its efforts and mobilize resources to support the use of cards in the metaverse. It also focuses on the metaverse virtual currency exchange, crypto exchange services, and electronic money transfers.

The impact of the new wave

An AmEx spokesperson points out how they have always been active and quick to embrace any opportunity to enhance customers’ lives. For example, they have been quick to embrace emerging technologies and doping all within their means to ensure that customers benefit from them.

He indicated that they had been channeling their attention to the metaverse and considering how they could succeed within a space where only a few banks have dared to try. American Express is proud of its success in filing a series of trademark applications linked to its designs and logos. It hopes to make significant steps in the metaverse, outlining that it wants its customers to enjoy diversity.

American Express hints at some of its applications and what it wishes to achieve with each of them. It intends to achieve a lot with its logos and branding, pointing out specifically to the use of virtual payment cards within the metaverse. It wants to support banking services in the metaverse and speaks about the use of its card in the marketplace.


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