Tokyo Bay Capital Founder Predicts a Broader Adoption of Bitcoin As It Heralds the New Era


Tokyo Bay Capital is the most recent private equity firm to invest in the high-growth potential industry despite the recent downturn in the cryptocurrency market. As a result of the constantly changing cryptocurrency market, various venture capital firms are now getting involved. 

However, despite Bitcoin’s latest volatility, many private equity financing firms believe that blockchain is bringing in a new era where Bitcoin will be accepted and widely spread as a result.    

More industries are adopting Bitcoin

In an interview with Bloomberg, Lucy Gazmarian, the Managing Partner of Token Bay, stated there is Gazmarian added that even though Bitcoin was still considered a new asset, it heralds a new future of placing any valuable crypto into the blockchain. Furthermore, being a decentralized money system, its adoption has been more successful than anticipated.  

More investors and consumers purchase crypto assets through the exchanges listed in the Nasdaq stock market. In addition, the purchase of cryptocurrencies such as Coinbase creates a positive spin for the market. 

As of now, asset managers and large Nasdaq-listed Corporations are investing in Bitcoin and placing it as an asset in the balance sheets. Although these are positive developments, Gazmarian believes that the most significant adoption of Bitcoin happened when El Salvador adopted the currency as a legal tender. 

Analysts predict an increased interest in the Metaverse

The cryptocurrency market is constantly changing, making it volatile, especially with many venture capital firms (VC) entering the industry. The loose monetary policy assisted Bitcoin’s 13-year run, and the other cryptocurrencies are falling into place. However, the shifting climate and interest rise allow investors to keep their options open. 

At the end of 2020, several experiments and protocols were put in place to adopt crypto assets properly. However, in 2021, investors mainly focused on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which turned into Metaverse products, which is a move that blockchain assets can gain from the developments. 

Analysts predict that Metaverse products will be primarily adopted as Bitcoin is not the only asset in the digital ecosystem. The critical factor right now is to enhance the consumer experience of Blockchain based-products across the globe. 


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